Most of us have a designer crush and mine is Charlotte Comer. This Dallas area interior designer has won a plethora of awards and her work has been published in numerous local and national publications.I first encountered Ms. Comer's work over 20 years ago at a Parade of Homes event where she decorated a bedroom that literally took my breath away. I've never forgotten it. Since then I've followed her work and am always delighted by her creativity.I thought you might be delighted too.
I'm pretty sure you've seen photos of her home which has been featured in many magazines including Veranda.

Her dining room is a vision

And Ms Comer's pantry is a work of art.

Who wouldn't have sweet dreams in this treetop bedroom?

And this guest room? S.I.G.H

A sweet friend and I were having lunch in Dallas a few years ago and realized we were near Charlotte's Dallas area home. We only knew the street and slowly cruised along until we spotted her gorgeous porch which was every bit as gorgeous in real life as we had seen in the magazines.
This project where Charlotte (at this point I feel we're on a first name basis) designed a laundry/craft room addition is a favorite of mine and I'm seriously pea green with envy over this space!
How precious is this friends entrance?

Every finish is sheer perfection,don't you agree?

What could you create in this room?

Lovely isn't it?
I hadn't seen any of Ms. Comer's work in a while until the other day I picked up this new magazine published by Hoffman Media

In it Charlotte helps decorate a vacation home for a Dallas area couple.
I won't spoil it for you but it is truly beautiful! I'd not seen this magazine before and I was surprisingly pleased with all the NEW photos of homes I 'd not seen before. That in itself is a plus as shelter magazines are notorious for recycling the same homes and photos over and over.
Thanks for stopping by! BTW who's your designer crush?

She truly is a quintessential designer of the English manor home with a touch of French Country thrown in for good measure. This is probably why I adore her.
I would have never thought to slipcover the arachnid chair (spider web styled back, 3rd photo) but the use of a sheer fabric only adds to the beauty.
I'll have to pick up this magazine.
Oh my goodness... I think I suddenly need a gallon of milk and a magazine! I'll be right back.
You've got good taste. I like the kitchen and the master bedroom!
I've not noticed her work before but I'm sure glad you introduced us. I see so many wonderful details in the pictures. The way brand new is mixed with olden things catches my eye. Loving the fabric mixes too. Thanks for this one. :)
She is an amazing designer - I like her style!
I can see why you're completely smitten with this designer, Lisa! I wish I could see all of this in person. It's all so dreamy and romantic, isn't it? Thanks for sharing the pictures with us and the new magazine that you discovered.
I would love to have space for dishes and platters to be so accessible like in that pantry - dream!!
She is truly one of the best. So inspiring and these photos are incredible.
I have to go back and view them again.
Thanks for sharing. Have a great holiday weekend. xo
Wow! What a talented lady. I need that plate rack!!! Have a good week.
Oh this was a pure treat!
Have a great week:)
Stunning.. just seeing all those plates lined up made me giddy. I would be too afraid to live in a house like this..
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