The graduation was held at The Lake Matoaka Amphitheatre

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was the commencement speaker.

It was a great Mother's Day!
Of course while I was in Williamsburg I got to do a little sight seeing. Virginia is a most poetically beautiful state and Williamsburg is absolutely gorgeous.
Lovely, traditional architecture
of great historical significance
and the most spectacular gardens I have ever seen. Stacy I thought of you!
Thanks for stopping by, Friends. Have a great day!
Congratulations on your sons graduation!! And thank you for sharing with us those beautiful pictures from your trip.
Have a beautiful weekend!
Congratulations to your handsome son! He looks great in all that blue. :) Is he going to move back here to practice law?
You've had a busy year! Busy mama.
I'm so glad to see you posting more often. And yes those gardens are amazing! I'd love to visit there.
Congratulations on your son's graduation. My youngest graduated on May 3rd. The time really went by so fast.
Congrads to all!!! What an accomplishment. I know you are busting with complete joy!
CONGRATULATIONS! That is great news!!!
What a wonderful weekend and the best Mother's Day possible. :)
P.S. lovely pics! Your son is adorable! :)
Congrats on your son's accomplishments! You should definitely be one proud mama!
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